Thank you for choosing Calvert Digestive Disease Associates of Calvert County as your provider of ambulatory surgical services. We understand that choices concerning your health are some of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.
This section is designed to help you get to know us better and prepare you for your procedure. If you have further questions, please contact us. Our care for you is our utmost concern, so feel free to offer suggestions that might help us better serve you.
Our Center
CDDA is a one procedure room specializing in outpatient gastroenterology. The Medical Staff consists of board certified physician specialists. Your physician’s credentials, including education, training, certification, and current Maryland licensure can be found at the Maryland Board of Physicians web site
The Center conforms to State, Medicare, and Joint Commission standards in construction, design, policies and procedures, fire protection and safety, and handicap accessibility. Your care will be provided by a skilled team of physicians and nurses all licensed by the state of Maryland. Our services incorporate excellence in professional care while utilizing state-of-the-art technology for ambulatory surgical services.
First Visit
Please bring your insurance card, photo ID, and, if required by your insurance carrier, a referral for services.
If you have a latex allergy, egg allergy, pacemaker, internal defibrillator, artificial heart valve, or joint replacement, please notify your physician when you schedule your procedure.
Stop taking nonsteroidal medication (Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, etc.) according to your physician’s instructions.
Make sure your physician knows if you are on blood thinners such as Coumadin, Plavix, Xarelto, etc.
Make sure your physician is aware of any previous problems you have had with anesthesia.
You will be asked to arrive 45 minutes earlier than your scheduled procedure time so the staff can prepare you for your procedure. You will also be asked to verify your name and birth date throughout your visit. This practice is for your safety, which is our utmost concern.
You will be called the day before your procedure to provide and verify certain information. This includes expected time of arrival, directions if needed, and a reminder that you must have a responsible driver take you home.
Please see our services page for more information on procedural preparation.
Please refrain from bringing children to the facility if possible.
Patient Forms
If this is the first time you will be at CDDA, please download and fill out the forms below. You can download the PDF files (You will need the Adobe Acrobat app) print, fill out, and sign. Please bring them to your first consult.
This not only saves time for our office staff, but also ensures your appointment runs smoothly and occurs at the scheduled time.
Prep Instructions
Recovery Period
A postoperative visit may be scheduled to check your progress. If at any time you experience problems, please notify your physician at the phone number on your discharge instructions.
Please follow your discharge instructions regarding diet, medication and activity.
CDDA accepts most major insurance plans. Copays are due at time of service. It is important to understand the bills you will receive after the procedure. You will receive:
- A bill from your physician’s office for professional services
- A bill for anesthesia if you required these services
- A bill from CDDA for the use of our facility
- You may also receive a bill for laboratory services if specimens were taken during your procedure.
CDDA is not an emergency treatment facility. In case of emergency, contact your physician or go directly to the closest hospital emergency room. Hospital staff can determine the extent of your problems and contact us. Some problems that require emergency attention include:
- Fever
- Pain not managed by prescribed medication
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Excessive bleeding
Thank you!
We know you have choices in gastroenterology care, so we sincerely appreciate that you have chosen CDDA! Some medical procedures are intimidating and may cause anxiety. Our desire is to provide outstanding medical care for your or your loved one and reduce as much concern as possible.
In fact, we aim to exceed expectations and encourage you to share your experience with those in need of GI care in Southern Maryland. Your referral to family and friends is our highest compliment. Thanks Again!